
Birth Defect Lawsuits – Q Med, GlaxoSmithKline and Maalox Lawsuits

Zoloft while pregnant is a very popular antidepressant and is used by many women who are pregnant. This drug is also used by people who are breastfeeding, as it has been known to cause depression in the infants. The warnings on this drug are very strong, and it should never be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women.

It can be very harmful to both you and your baby. Some common lawsuits involving Zoloft while pregnant are aneurysms, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and lapses in judgment.

Zoloft while pregnant Lawsuits

Zoloft while pregnant is associated with many cases of SIDS. In one case, a homemaker was suing because her newborn had suffered from a SIDS. She claimed that the preservative in the pill had caused the death of her child.

The courts ruled in her favor and she was able to get her damages from the manufacturer of Zoloft while taking the supplement. While no one has proven that Zoloft caused this particular death, this is yet another example of why Zoloft lawsuits are so dangerous.

Zoloft is also associated with cases of depression in infants. One case involved a newborn whose mother was Zoloft.

This was a very premature infant. While in the hospital, the infant died after a few days due to a massive depression, which Zoloft was given as a prescription. These lawsuits show just how dangerous Zoloft can be for infants.

Another popular drug in the Zoloft while pregnant lawsuit is a painkiller called propoxypethane or PPA.

This drug is commonly referred to as a ‘date rape’ drug because it can pass from the mother to the fetus during the period of pregnancy. It is a date rape drug because it causes nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, confusion, and respiratory depression that can be lethal on a newborn. Many of the Zoloft Birth defect lawsuits that I have seen were caused by PPA.

The third drug in my Zoloft while pregnant lawsuit that causes birth defects is an antihistamine called Maalox.

This drug was given to patients who have seasonal allergies, and it seems to cause severe depression. Another drug in this class that causes depression is an anti-seizure medication called Tegretol. These medications cause rebound depression when the drugs are discontinued. There are Zoloft Birth defect lawsuits against these three companies for their products that cause depression and birth defects.

There are Zoloft Birth defect lawsuits against GlaxoSmithKline and Cetace, as well as a personal injury lawsuit against Q-Med.

All these drugs have been linked to serious birth defects. These drugs also have many side effects that make them dangerous for a pregnant woman to take. A Zoloft lawsuit is definitely in your future if you are a Zoloft victim.

If you are a victim of depression while pregnant, you may be able to get compensation for your pain and suffering. An experienced personal injury lawyer will help you determine if you have a case, and he can help you find a legal expert who has experience in fighting this type of case.