Bicycling On The Road

Bicycling is a great way to exercise, save money on gas, and help the environment, but it can also be dangerous. More than 600 cyclists are killed yearly in traffic crashes, and another 49,000 are injured. Many of these injuries could have been prevented if cyclists knew how to avoid them. Here are five common causes of severe injuries to bicyclists.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving has become an increasingly concerning issue as auto collisions involving injury to bicyclists have skyrocketed in recent years. Distracted driving can cause severe damage, especially when colliding with cars and bicycles. It is vital for people who are the victims of such collisions to contact an injury lawyer who understands the complexities of distracted driving cases so their rights are adequately represented if they decide to take legal action. From obtaining compensation for medical bills to seeking justice from negligent drivers, injury lawyers specialize in helping victims of distracted driving get the fair resolution they deserve.


Dooring, which is a careless act of opening a car door suddenly in the path of an approaching bicyclist, often leads to devastating consequences. All too frequently, bicyclists are seriously injured or even killed when doored into oncoming traffic or the curb of the road. Being doored can be wholly disorienting, and because there is rarely any time to react, bicyclists can end up with broken bones, bruises, or worse. Bicyclists must always remain vigilant and aware of their surroundings when cycling near parked cars, but drivers must also keep safety in mind and look twice before they open their doors into a cyclist’s path.

Riding Closely To A Lane

When riding a bicycle on the street, you should never forget to give yourself enough space between the edge of the lane and the bike. Unfortunately, too many riders fail to take this advice, resulting in potentially disastrous consequences. Not only can someone veer into you from the lane next to you, but it also leaves little room for error if an object like glass or gravel is still lingering in your path. To make matters worse, riding too close can also increase your chances of serious injury in the event of an accident due to decreased maneuverability. As a bicycle rider, being aware of one’s environment is key to staying safe; this includes leaving enough space for unexpected variables on the street.

Right-Turn Accidents

Right-turn accidents involving bicyclists can be hazardous, as the cyclist often cannot anticipate the vehicle making the right-hand turn and may not be able to react quickly enough. Injuries in these accidents can range from scrapes and bruises to more severe head, neck, and spinal injuries. Bicyclists must stay alert while biking and maintain a safe distance from vehicles around them to lessen their risk of potentially serious injury. Likewise, drivers must be aware of cyclists whenever they turn and respect their right of the way accordingly. With greater combined vigilance from cyclists and drivers, we can work together to lessen the possibility of severe injuries due to right-turn accidents.

Lane-Merging Accidents

Lane-merging accidents are an unfortunately common cause of severe injury or death to bicyclists on the road. They can be caused by the sudden maneuvers of drivers merging into the same lane as a bicyclist, often without even noticing the cyclist or giving them time or space to move out of their way. To make matters worse, a collision between a bicycle and a car can cause catastrophic injuries due to a lack of protection around the rider. Drivers must stay extra vigilant and give cyclists plenty of room and time when changing lanes to avoid these potentially deadly situations. Taking these precautions can help protect all drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians sharing the roads.